Professional Negligence


Everyone has a duty not to carelessly or purposely harm others. Professionals, such as doctors, pharmacists, nurses and lawyers, owe a duty of care to their patients and clients. If the duty is breached and as a result the patient or client suffers a loss or injury, the professional may be held liable for damages.

Professional Who?

Virtually everyone hires a professional at some point. Unfortunately, professionals sometimes do not meet the standard of care in their profession. In legal terms this means they have committed professional negligence or malpractice.

By far the most common professional negligence is in the healthcare industries, and unfortunately its impact usually causes physical injuries with often catastrophic physical and financial consequences that can last a lifetime. Healthcare negligence covers such things as—

  • Medical Malpractice
  • Hospital Negligence
  • Elder Abuse
  • Nursing Home Negligence

Other types of professionals, by their failure to take proper care according to what is considered the standard of care in their business or profession, can also be sued for malpractice.

Experienced Representation

If the advice, care, or services you received from a medical or legal professional resulted in harm to you or your loved one, Call us today for a free initial consultation and we can discuss your situation and give you the experienced advice you need to move forward and help you determine whether you have a claim. An attorney like Larry D. Krpan has the specialized experience and expertise needed to evaluate your case, help you understand your options, and advocate for justice on your behalf.

In most states there exists a statute of limitations for professional negligence claims. This means you must bring a claim within certain time parameters or be forever barred from doing so in the future. Schedule an Appointment today for your Free Consultation before it may be too late!

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